Of French and Belgian origin, Chloé Marichez was born in France on 7 March 1995. Manual and observant from a very young age, making is a natural for her. Her family encourages her to travel and meet foreign landscapes and ways of life. She thus developed an ability to perceive the other's point of view. She graduated in Design with honours from the State - Ecole de Design in Paris, and works on projects between France, Switzerland and Indonesia, always in connection with crafts. Sensitive to the encounters and experiences that her creations can offer, Chloé finds her strength in watching craftsmen create splendid pieces. Chloé is therefore passionate about these crafts and wishes to put them at the centre of her creations.
VAN ISEGHEM is Chloé Marichez' committed project. She wishes to highlight the rare art craft through the creation of contemporary decorative pieces. This company, named after its Belgian ancestors, makes it a point of honour to produce locally. Craftsmen and materials are located nearby. It is in an approach of valorization of the country's heritage and its rarest Art Crafts that they endeavour to prescribe, produce and manufacture locally. The production is on a human scale and even personalised according to the crafts. Moreover, in order to be consistent with the values that drive the company, Van Iseghem uses and creates with its own raw material scraps with a view to minimising waste.
VAN ISEGHEM's Collection 01 is the result of the combined know-how of three rare French Artisans d'Art: Francis Bourjot - Lapidaire-Tourneur. Unique in the world. Wilfried Allyn - Flame glass blower. Simon Charbonnier - Dinandier. As well as the expertise of the designer Chloé Marichez.